Review Part Changes Screen

Use this screen to view and apply part changes to a repair order workfile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Apply All Selecting this option applies changes to all items listed in the screen.
Discard All Select this option to deselect a part change line.
Apply When checked, indicates that the part change line will be applied to the estimate line item.
Discard When checked, indicates that the part change line will be discarded.
Change This is the description of the part line change.
Part Type This is the part type.
Description The line description appears in this field.
Original List $ This value is the estimate line item original price.
Updated List $ This value displays the updated amount from the invoice.
Original Part Number The estimate line item original part number appears in this field.
Updated Part Number This value comes from the invoice updated part price amount. The value in this field updates the estimate line item properties and associated reports.
OK Select this option to save the changes and close the screen.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Reviewing and Applying Part Changes







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